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Defense Intelligence Agency

The Defense intelligence agency (DIA) is an organization that provides confidential data to the militants engaged with Defense and the policymakers. DIA was established in March 2002. This agency simultaneously concludes all the militant’s army, including the army, navy, and air force. The members of the intelligence Defense agency are the prime components who handle various operations in the country and control long-standing demands of militant forces. DIA plays a notable role in fulfilling the needs associated with war, country peace, etc. 

DIA’s excellent work is tracing unusual gestures all over the country. The DIA also observe terrorist movement within the different parts of the country. DIA has also fabricated many spy rings that look after the citizens’ internal security and safety. The DIA’s prime tasks are growing successfully due to the satellite, and high altitude lives Ariel surveillance.

The creation of the DIA has reduced the dependence of the Indian forces on civilian intelligence agencies such as NCTS, NIA, and RAW for information gathering and terrorist tract evolution. While during different wars in the country, this intelligence agency played a vital role. Before the Defense intelligence agency was formed, it restricted the capability of militant forces in the country to field intelligence units (FIUs). 

The head of the agency was the director general, and the first general head was Lt.Gen. Kamal Devar. The post of director general rotates between the head of all three armed forces. The deputy director general assigns the director general of the agency. The first general to detain this position was Air Marshal SC Malhan.

History of Defense Intelligence Agency

The senior military officer concluded the formation of the military services in March 2002 by harmonizing all three forces (army, navy, and air force). The creation of an intelligence agency was a mutual decision of all ministers due to the heavy failure of the Kargil war. The united stated military played a huge role in decision-making related to DIA. The head of the department during the Kargil war was Lal Krishna Advani, the group minister and a vital policymaker.

Organization of Defense Intelligence Agency

  1. Defense Clandestine Services(Dcs):  DCS is the rarest source of confidential information related to various national and international matters, such as terrorism, international development weapons, community destruction, and other issues. It further provides a range of human intelligence operations throughout the country. It appoints special teams of officers, interrogation experts, field analysts, technical specialists, and special operations forces.
  2. Defense Attache System (Das)- DAS initiates the Defense relations of the United States with foreign governments and helps collect human intelligence. Defense attaché serves in other foreign nations.
  3. Defence Cover Office- DCO is an element responsible for the execution of covering programs by the agency’s intelligence officers and the whole department of Defence.
  4. Directorate for Science And Technology– The Directorate for science and technology manages technical benefits and the workforce of Defence intelligence agencies. These benefits are preserved for the detection and identification of personnel. It includes intelligence work of radar, acoustic intelligence, nuclear intelligence, and chemical and biological intelligence. DIA is currently working as a joint worldwide intelligence communication.
  5. Directorate for Mission Services– The Directorate for mission services provides brace for administrative, technical, and programmatic operations. In addition, the Directorate for mission services works as the executive agent of the department of Defence.

Director General

The director general is the whole bureau’s leader, the prime Defence member, and the chief of all the assistants. It works in convolution from all three armed forces. Lt. Gen. kamal Davar was the director general of the DIA and the former Director of the army force.

Nodal Agency

DIA plays the role of nodal agency for all intelligence departments. DIA handles all the technical benefits of Indian army forces. It works as a middleman for converting the decrypted language of terrorists into encryption. The DIA helps to integrate information related to welfare, war, sound waves, etc.

Functions and roles of the Defense Intelligence Agency

Before the introduction of the Defense intelligence agency, the intelligence of the Indian military was only applicable to the field intelligence units (FIU). The service of intelligence agencies was not able to cope with the field operations. It was not able to effectively coordinate intelligence-related operations. India’s forces heavily depended on civilian intelligence agencies such as the intelligence bureau.

To accomplish the missions of Defence, the agency depends upon these four main aspects:

  1. Support to Operations– Defence intelligence plays an essential role in the execution forces at all stages of military-related operations. It provides analytical facts which allow the collection of process and strategic data.
  2. Support to Contingency Planning For Operation– DIA provides data and information related to military operations and prepares proper drafts for the different analytical situations. In addition, this draft includes information associated with the development of culture, political growth, and integrated safety of the nation.
  3. Provision of Early Warning– The primary power of Defence intelligence is to stay alert towards crises and provide information to the minister, chief of staff, senior officials, and Defence planner in the first place. Defence Intelligence plays its leadership by focusing on concerning and violent topics.
  4. Provision of Long-Term Threats analysis Of Emerging– Defence intelligence estimates violent figures that can cause destruction. It supports the evolution of upcoming military equipment and the measures against the enemy system.

DIA Police

The Defense Intelligence Agency has a police force of its own established in 1963, which was formed to protect the people and property related to dia. Defense intelligence agency police provide strength against police services, emergencies, and physical reliability. The Defense intelligence agency police consist of 26 special agents who carry out security investigations in the department. The training of police officers in the Defense intelligence authority is done for three months at a federal law enforcement training center before certification as police officers. The Defense Intelligence authority of police work under the District of Columbia. It has signed a contract with the metropolitan police department of the District of Columbia.

Rank Structure and Organization of DIA Police

DIA police rank structure consists of the following:

  1. Officer
  2. Special agents ( investigator)
  3. Captain
  4. Sergent


The creation of the Defence intelligence agency was done t  coordinate with all three military fields. The formation was recommended by the group of cabinet ministers headed by Lal Krishna Advani, deputy prime minister at that time. The cabinet minister investigated the drawbacks of an intelligence agency in the Kargil war and prepared a conclusion for creating reforms related to an Indian intelligence agency.


Q1. Who is the agency executive?

Ans. Lt. gen. GAV Reddy is the agency executive of DIA.

Q2. What is the aim of the DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY?

Ans. The DIA is responsible for providing intelligence for the warfighter, force planner, and Defence policymakers.

Q3. What do you mean by intelligence?

Ans. It is essential for protecting the country from threats and guiding the military services about organizing force during potential crises.

Q4. What are the different types of military intelligence?

Ans. There are three types of military intelligence:

  • Communication Intelligence
  • Electro intelligence
  • Foreign instrumentation intelligence
Prakhar Singh
Prakhar Singhhttps://saralstudy.com/
A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.


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