HomeKnowledgeChildren's Day - History, Significance, Celebration and Key Facts

Children’s Day – History, Significance, Celebration and Key Facts

Every year on the 14th of November, India celebrates Children’s day on the birth anniversary of the first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. He always had a special place for children in his heart and life. The main aim of the celebration is to spread awareness about the rights and education of the children in India. The day is celebrated grandly with motivational and educational programs organized by the different organizations for children.

Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of independent India. Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru is very famous among Indian youth due to the amazing work he has done for the country especially for the children. The children use to call him Chacha Nehru. He believed that the children are tomorrow's youth and future Citizens of India. He was a brilliant student of Cambridge University and returned to India in 1912. Despite being a student he was interested in the freedom struggle of India. In 1916 he got his first meeting scheduled with Mahatma Gandhi and after talking to him he got the inspiration to work for the country. Later, he managed to organize Kisan March in Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh. He went to jail twice because of his connection with the non-cooperation movement. From his teenage to his death he was a part of the freedom struggle of India. Apart from Freedom struggles, he also established various educational institutions for the children such as the Indian Institutes of Technology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Indian Institutes of Management. He introduced free meals and Primary education in Indian schools. On 27th May 1964, he died in New Delhi India.

History behind the Children’s Day Celebration

Before 1964, India uses to celebrate children’s day on November 20th but after the demise of the first Prime Minister, it was decided that from now onwards children’s day will be celebrated on 14th November i.e Date of Birth of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru.

Jawahar Lal Nehru said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them will determine the future of the country”. He has established the children film society in India in 1955 for uniformed children.

Significance of Children’s day in India

The real significance of this day is to understand the importance of children in our lives. How we Up bring a child decides his/her future. This day reminds adults that they should let children celebrate their childhood with full joy and they should have the proper basic educational facilities.

Here are some right listed for children in India

  1. Right to Health- It has been noticed that nearly one million children die under the age of 15. Nearly 39 children are found dead in 1000 births. Throwing light on this topic Indian government has initiated many steps towards a balanced diet, proper hygiene, etc.
  2. Right to Education- every child has the right to get basic education between the age group of 6 – 14.
  3. Right to Life- In India people are still practicing gender discrimination. In India, Nearly 117 million girls are missing as compared to the total population of boys because of selective sex-abortions. Every minute 9 abortions of female fetuses took place. Due to this Right to life is a fundamental right in our constitution and violation of this right is a criminal offense.
  4. Right against Exploitation- In India Child labor is strictly banned. A child working in Dhabas or other areas before the age of 14 years is strictly prohibited. Abusing or torturing the child is also prohibited and a punishable offense. Any physical abusing, mental abusing or sexual abusing, etc. is considered as torturing.

Schools, societies, Government, and many institutions organize special events, picnics, dancing events, camping, and a lot more activities for children where they enjoy from the depth of their hearts. Teachers make this day special for students by presenting dance and theatre for them. They tell students about their rights and how they can protect their rights given by the law.

Many people celebrate children Day in the following ways:

  1. Visiting Orphanages to meet the Children and organize some fun activities there.
  2. Distribute sweets or other items to children who live in orphanages.
  3. Organize events like swimming, dancing in school with awards listed.
  4. Donate your old clothes, books and other things to the poor children.

Facts about Children Day

  1. Children’s day is also known as “Bal Diwas” in India.
  2. This day is celebrated to increase awareness about the child’s educational rights
  3. Britain does not celebrate children’s day
  4. In some countries, children have a holiday on this day but schools organize special fun activities for the students in the school.
  5. Before 1964 children’s day was celebrated on November 20th but after the death of Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, India started celebrating Children’s day on 14th November.
  6. In the year 1959 India celebrated its first children’s day.
  7. Apart from countries that celebrate children’s day on November 14th there are around about 50 countries in this world that celebrate children’s day on June 1st.
  8. On November 20th Universal children’s Day is celebrated.

Some facts about Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

  1. He was born in Prayagraj and was the eldest one among his siblings.
  2. After returning to India in 1912 he got an advocate Job.
  3. In 1929 he went to jail for the first time.

Some books based on Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru

  1. The Discovery of India
  2. Glimpses of World History
  3. Toward Freedom (his autobiography)
  4. Letters from a Father to His Daughter (collection of letters he wrote to his daughter)
  5. Nehru: The Invention Of India by Shashi Tharoor
  6. Independence and After (A Collection of Speeches, 1946-1949).
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