HomeEducationExamsCBSE has decided to conduct the board Exams in two terms- Let's...

CBSE has decided to conduct the board Exams in two terms- Let’s see how the Exam pattern and Syllabus have changed under this decision

The Term- exams for the CBSE Board are going to be conducted from 15 November 2021. The Central Board Of secondary education has released a notification regarding the Board exam information. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Central Board of secondary education has decided to conduct the CBSE Board exams in two terms.

The notification for the first term for the CBSE Board exam is already notified by the CBSE on its official website. The date for the first term is decided from 15 November 2021. The exams for the students in the second term are expected to be held in 2022 next year in March and April. The exam schedule will be announced by CBSE on its official website. 

Let us have a look at what will change in the CBSE Board exams including the syllabus, practical exams, the marking system, and the opening of schools under CBSE during the Covid-19 Pandemic, we will answer every question regarding these questions. 

First thing first, let’s have a look at what has changed in CBSE board exam Pattern?

With the release of the CBSE Board exam notification, the exam pattern has been changed a lot. These term exams will be held like the semester exams in college. The syllabus will be divided for these two terms equally. 

The exam date for the first term is notified to be held from November 15 2021 to December 15, 2021, whereas the exams for the second term are expected to be conducted from March next year. The marks of both terms will be added to declare the final result of a student. 

Under the new exam pattern, what changes are made to the CBSE syllabus?

Like the exam pattern, the syllabus has been divided equally. The change in the syllabus was declared by the CBSE while declaring the change in the exam pattern. The syllabus has been reduced under the new exam pattern. You can visit the official website of CBSE to know more about the Exam Pattern and Syllabus details.

How the marks will be allotted in the second term exam in case of school re-opening of the schools under CBSE?

In case the schools reopen, then the marks gained in the second term will be given more importance than that of the first term. The weightage of the marks gained in the first term will be reduced. 

How marks will be allotted in case the schools under CBSE don’t open?

If the schools remain closed due to Covid- 19 pandemic then the Marks will be awarded based on Internals, project works, and marks gained in theory. The exam in such case will be held offline or in online mode from home. 

Few important questions regarding the new exam pattern in CBSE Board Exams 

What to use on the OMR sheet? Pen or Pencil?

In the first term under the new exam pattern, students will be provided an OMR sheet. Students will be required to fill the circle in the OMR sheet with Pen. 

What will happen if a student marks the wrong circle on the OMR sheet?

In case you mark a wrong circle mistakenly, you can write the correct answer over the extra blank space provided on the OMR Sheet. You can cut the wrong answer and select the right one. You will have to write the correct option in that given blank space.

For instance, if the correct answer for a question was B but mistakenly you marked A. to correct it, all you have to do is, cut the wrong marked option A and mark B and write B in the given blank space next to the four circles.

How the practical exams will be conducted under CBSE’s new exam pattern?

The practical exams for the first term will be organized by the schools. In case the pandemic situation improves, then CBSE will conduct all the practical exams for students in the second term.

Will the students have to answer all the questions?

CBSE can provide options for the questions. For example, if the Paper has a total of 50 questions then the students can solve any 45 questions accordingly.

CBSE has made the sample papers available on its official website.

How the exam centers for CBSE Board exams will be allotted?

The decision regarding the allocation of exam centers has not been made yet.  Seeing the pandemic situation, it is expected that the students can give their exams from their schools or nearby exam centers.

CBSE is preparing the allocation of exam centers, keeping in view the Covid-19 pandemic and necessary safety protocols.

This news is based on the official information provided by CBSE and other media reports. For more information, students are advised to contact their respective schools.

Saral Study
Saral Study
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