HomeStudy TipsBoarding Schools : Pros And Cons

Boarding Schools : Pros And Cons

Boarding schools are privately run educational establishments, which conduct regular classes and are residential in nature. That is, the students of this institute reside within campus in hostels with fellow students. The closest semblance of it can be said to be the the ‘gurukul’ system of ancient India, though not compulsory as the latter. Students dwelling and studying under such a system reap certain benefits that are essential for life, but the cons of it are a few which can be worked upon and resolved. 


  1. The student to teacher ratio is much lower here than in regular day schools. This means that one teacher is responsible for a smaller bunch of students, and can therefore devote time and energy to each child’s requirement, needs and concerns. Thus students get personal attention and their doubts are addressed.
  2. Typically, the quality of education is of a higher grade. Time is more uniformly and efficiently divided amongst the various subjects, the curriculum is better designed, and student capabilities exploited better. The course structure is more varied. Also some such schools offer extra courses for interested and driven students to pursue, like language curse etc, which they can take up. 
  3. As students reside within the precincts of the institute, the scope of extra curricular activities is also huge. They are spoilt with choices. After class activities and hobby classes, weekend events, and regular competitions and events help in the development of such other skills that a child may possess. Thus not only are the books important, but also the nurturing of talents. This is not so widely possible in a day school.
  4. Students live under strict discipline and have to follow the rules laid down. They thus tend to grow up into highly disciplined individuals possessing the proper manners and etiquette. Here it would be necessary to mention that they are taught such basic rules of etiquette, like table manners, etc. 
  5. As children live with each other, senior students, and in a dormitory system, they tend to acquire more human and people skills. They learn to share and care, to work in a team, and are more often better competitors and leaders. They can handle people better, are good communicators, self reliant and mature. Also they are more adept to accepting strangers. They are more respectful. 


  1. Kids have to stay away from the family for long periods of time. This long absence may have psychological effects like depression. They may get unattached. Because they do not live with parents and siblings, they miss the benefits of a typical family environment. There is hardly any family interaction, and meeting up with relatives and friends is minimal. Thus at times creates a distance that cannot be covered up in the long run. 
  2. The discipline is so strict that it kills the natural playful and mischievous attitude that some kids may possess. Thus hyperactive children are forcefully subdued which kills their natural instincts, makes them shy and introvert. The punishments meted out are severe and not in a positive light. 
  3. Social interactions become nominal as students residing in boarding schools hardly go out of the premises. Their sole interaction is with fellow students, faculty and helpers. They do not have relatives, other friends, or local neighborhood people to converse with. Thus they may become socially cut off individuals and once they come out may have difficulty interacting. 
  4. In India, most parents send unruly or poor performing kids to a boarding as a sort of punishment. This has a grave effect on the child’s psychology and life.


Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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