HomeCareer10 Undeniable Advantages of Government Jobs in India

10 Undeniable Advantages of Government Jobs in India

It is no hidden truth that a government job comes with hordes of benefits. We have often encountered a debate on whether a government job is more beneficial than a private sector job. Although many people prefer private sector jobs for many reasons, we can’t ignore the advantages that a government employee gets. Let’s see some major benefits of doing a government job.

Advantages of Government Jobs vs. Private Sector Jobs

If you are still confused about which sector offers more benefits, the following points shall make it clear. 

Good salary

One of the biggest advantage why people choose government jobs is because of the high salary it rewards you with. The government employees receive comparatively equivalent or higher salary than the private jobs. Also, government employees receive their salary on time irrespective of the situation unlike private sector jobs where there can be delays in the payments. This is one of the major reasons why people love government jobs.

Health Insurance and Medi claims

Health of a person is highly unpredictable. We just don’t know what a person might suffer when. Also, with ever increasing costs of hospitals, it has become difficult to seek good medical care. Keeping these factors in mind, the government provides free healthcare for all the employees working with them. To add up on this benefit, the government also takes responsibility to bear all the expenses of employee’s entire family.

No matter how costly the medical costs are, the government will completely take care of it. This also increases employee loyalty of the people who work in the government sector. 


For some reasons, if your monthly or even yearly expenses has increased then in such case, you don’t need to worry if you are working in government sector as they will take care of all your extra expenses. For example, you are traveling too much or your grocery shopping has increased considerably, then the government provides you with Dearness Allowances (DA) and Travelling Allowances (TA) that will help you cover all the extra expenditure incurred.

These allowances will be provided even if the inflation rates are high. Also, if you wish to travel anywhere in the country, the government will offer you concession on your travel tickets. These benefits are not provided in many private sector jobs but are fully assured in government jobs. 


We all love to have vacations where we can spend time with our family and friends. To lower the workload of the employees, the government offers them many holidays throughout the year. This enables an employee to visit their holiday destination and spend the time with their loved ones. In case of private sector jobs, there are hardly any holidays awarded to employees apart from the usual ones.

Also, the government may give an employee a weekly off if they are dealing with too much stress. This allows government employees to deal with stress and come back to work with more energy and vigor.

Housing benefits

This is probably the best advantage you can take out of a government job. In times where the prices of real estate are going up with every passing day, it has become very difficult for a common man to either buy or rent a house. This is where being a government employee will work in your favor. The government has made such provisions that they provide you a home at government quarters where you can stay with just a nominal amount or at times, completely free of cost.

This will allow you to save a good amount of money in housing. However, you can’t stay at the same place after retirement. But this is an advantage which probably no other private company offers. 

Complete insurance after retirement

A big disadvantage of working at a private sector is that after you retire, you don’t get enough money which allows you to stay stress free and enjoy the rest of your life peacefully.  A pension is necessary to meet your daily expenditure after retirement. It is also helpful when you encounter any health problems in your old age days. But if you are associated with government as an employee then after your retirement you tend to receive complete insurance of your life.

Hence, you will not have to worry about your future and can retire peacefully with a handsome amount of money as pension. 

Social security 

In this competitive world where the cost of living is rising day by day and pay slips are getting shorter, it has become a major concern for most of the people to survive without the fear of future. Also, if you are working with a private sector firm, there is no guarantee of job security, one can be thrown out of the company any moment if the company is not making enough profits. This is where government job will benefit you.

In governmental jobs, one gets salary on time, free health care, lifelong pension and other allowances that will enable you to live your life without any worries.

Job security

Layoffs have become more common in private sectors in the recent years. With companies not making desirable profits, it has become mandatory for them to lay off their employees in order to keep their company running with minimal loss possible. Government layoffs do take place but they are rare and very less as compared to private firms. Working as a government employee allows you to enjoy the benefits of job security.

This is also one of the major reasons why people prefer government jobs over private sector jobs.

Conclusion: Government Jobs Outrun Private Sector Jobs

You may find some of the above advantages in private sector jobs too but having all of them is pretty rare in any other kind of job. These advantages play a major role in the smooth and effective functioning of your life. Also, it leads to a satisfying professional career and retirement.

After knowing the advantages of a government job, it is safe to say that government jobs outrun private sector jobs by a huge margin in terms of advantages.

Also Read: 10 Career Decisions That Make More Sense Than an MBA

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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