600 Government School Hostels in Tamil Nadu to be Revamp with Sports Equipment. The Government School Hostels in Tamil Nadu are being provided with more sports facilities to help the students. This project was started as part of the plan to improve the hostels’ sports facilities. 600 hostels have been selected to be a part of the scheme.
Arrangement of Sports Equipment in Government School Hostels in Tamil Nadu
A senior official stated that more than 600 government school hostels will get sports equipment. The Tamil Nādu government official said that the existing sports equipment supplied in the hostels were obsolete, and this project will help the students to participate in physical sports activities as per their choice.”
He mentioned that sports equipment for over ten sports fields will be provided to the hostels depending on what they require. The equipment has cricket bats (Kashmir Willow), volleyball with synthetic waterproof stitching, shuttle bats (rocket metal), volleyball nets (standard size made up of nylon), tennis balls as well as football among others.
Added to that, he mentioned that the hostels will have the most recent carrom and chess boards.
Role of Sports in the Hostels
It is a scheme to revamp sports facilities to the students of backward communities.
Government school hostels in Tamil Nadu will be provided with new sports equipment like sports, gymnastics, badminton and other sports opportunities to provide youth opportunities.
Objectives Impact of the scheme
The Government Schools in Tamil Nadu are being promoted with the role of sports in improving the health of the students. Efforts have been planned under the scheme through networking and training.
Expectation of availability of sports facilities
This initiative will help in creating awareness about sports in the lives of people and help in achieving them.
Also read: Running And Exercise Required For All Sports