HomeHealth and Fitness10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

You can bid a long farewell to all those tiring weight loss techniques that they tell you to adopt and follow. There are much simpler ways to lose weight that don’t ask you to starve or spend most of the day working out in the gym. Staying at home, you can lose weight by simply following a certain lifestyle that guarantees a substantial loss of weight, that too, by NOT putting too much time and effort.

1. A balanced diet:

No one’s asking you to starve. Just balance what you eat. Consult a nutritionist and have him prepare a diet chart for you that suits your lifestyle. Some salads, meat and veggies consumed in a proportionate way can work wonders on your health and help cut down on the excess fat that you might have been accumulating.

 2. Walking/Jogging:

Go out for walks, as and when you can. This helps a lot to shed the extra pounds in your body. Morning or evening walks or jogs can help tone the muscles and speed up your body’s metabolism rate.

 3. Cycling:

Especially for students, cycling can be a great way to keep in shape. Instead of boarding a bus or taking your car out to school or college, you can cycle each day. This practice can keep a student’s health in check.

4. Studying while walking:

Many students have this habit, and they can testify, that studying out loud while walking helps to memorize faster and better. Also, it can help you lose weight if you can manage to do that for some hours. Working professionals can find this practice a bit problematic.

5. Extra Load on The Brain

Exam/ Project Deadline Exam really gets one going. Depending on sincerity or lack of preparation, students and professionals get pepped up at the last minute and really put in efforts beyond their normal capacity. This extra load on the brain affects a student’s health and as a positive effect here, transforms into weight loss.

6. Proper sleeping practices:

Proper sleeping habits are vital in maintaining health. Oversleeping can cause weight gain and under-sleeping causes the opposite. So you should balance it well enough. A student’s health during exam depends a lot on his sleeping habits.

7. No food on the table:

While studying, concentrate only on your study. Don’t keep anything edible nearby. This unnecessary practice causes weight gain in the longer run.

8. Don’t keep your necessary documents in one place:

Keep what you have to study in different places, so as to get up and have a walk whenever you need them. Having everything within an arm’s reach will never give you an incentive to move.

9. No midnight snacks:

Cut down on this habit. During exams, having midnight snacks becomes a necessary habit but try not to pick it up. Sleep followed by snacks adds to your fat content.

10. No junk food:

A health hazard, junk food contains a lot of fat that can take shelter in your body. Avoid junk food especially during exam time, if you study at a single place for hours. 

For students who want to keep a tab on their health, these are simple ways in which you can voluntarily or involuntarily stay or get in shape.

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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