My Favourite Animal - Dolphin: Fun Facts and Essays for Kids

Writing about dolphins, with their playful nature and intelligence, can be both captivating and informative. Organizing your thoughts into different formats helps to structure your writing effectively.

  • Five-line Descriptions: Capture why dolphins are your favourite animals in a few succinct lines, highlighting their agility, curiosity, and the companionship they provide in the wild.

  • Ten-line Elaborations: Expand on your admiration for dolphins with specific examples of different species, their unique behaviours, the benefits of observing them in the wild, and memorable interactions with them.

  • Paragraphs: Create a vivid narrative about the charming characteristics of dolphins, discussing their hunting instincts, social behaviours, and the significance of their role in marine ecosystems.

  • Short Essays: Discuss the topic of dolphins in a structured manner, covering their evolution, adaptations to various environments, interactions with humans, and the importance of marine conservation.

  • Long Essays: Conduct an in-depth exploration of dolphins, exploring topics such as dolphin communication, the impact of dolphins on marine ecosystems, and the cultural representations of dolphins in different societies.

Assembly Speech On My Favourite Animal - Dolphin

Good morning everyone,

Today, I want to talk about my Favourite animal, the dolphin. Dolphins are fascinating creatures of the sea, and I love them for many reasons. Let me share with you why I like dolphins, their habits, and some interesting facts about them.

Why I Like Dolphins

Dolphins are my Favourite animals because they are incredibly smart and playful. They are known for their friendly nature and often interact with humans. Dolphins are also very social animals and love to play games, which makes them so much fun to watch.

Dolphin Habits

Dolphins live in groups called pods, and these pods can consist of up to a dozen members. They communicate with each other using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. Dolphins are excellent swimmers and can leap out of the water, performing acrobatic flips.

Dolphins primarily eat fish and squid. They use echolocation to find their food, which means they send out sound waves and listen for the echoes to locate their prey. This makes them very skilled hunters.

Interesting Facts About Dolphins

Now, here are some fun and interesting facts about dolphins:

  1. Dolphins are mammals, which means they need to come to the surface to breathe air.

  2. They can swim up to speeds of 25 miles per hour, making them one of the fastest animals in the water.

  3. Baby dolphins are called calves, and they stay with their mothers for several years to learn how to hunt and survive.

  4. Dolphins have a unique way of sleeping; they rest one half of their brain at a time so they can continue to surface for air.

  5. Dolphins are known to help injured members of their pods and have been seen protecting humans from sharks.


In conclusion, dolphins are amazing animals with incredible intelligence and playful nature. They are my Favourite because of their friendly behaviour and fascinating ways of living. I hope you enjoyed learning about dolphins as much as I enjoyed sharing with you.

Thank you for listening!

5 Lines on My Favourite Animal: Dolphin

  1. Dolphins are friendly and intelligent sea animals.

  2. They love to jump and play in the water.

  3. Dolphins communicate with each other using clicks and whistles.

  4. They live in groups called pods.

  5. Dolphins can swim very fast and sometimes help humans.

10 Lines on My Favourite Animal: Dolphin

  1. Dolphins are marine mammals known for their playful behaviour.

  2. They have smooth, grey skin and a streamlined body.

  3. Dolphins breathe through a blowhole on top of their heads.

  4. They are known for their intelligence and can be trained to perform tricks.

  5. Dolphins use echolocation to find their food.

  6. They eat fish, squid, and other small marine creatures.

  7. Dolphins live in groups called pods, which can include up to 12 members.

  8. They are social animals and communicate using clicks, whistles, and body language.

  9. Dolphins can live for up to 40 years.

  10. They are loved by people all over the world for their friendly nature.

A Paragraph on My Favourite Animal: Dolphin

Dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. They are known for their intelligence, playful nature, and friendly behaviour. Dolphins have smooth, grey skin and a streamlined body that helps them swim quickly through the water. They breathe through a blowhole on top of their heads and use echolocation to find their food, which includes fish and squid. Dolphins live in groups called pods and communicate with each other using clicks, whistles, and body language. These amazing creatures can live up to 40 years and bring joy to people all over the world with their playful antics and friendly demeanour.

Short Essay on My Favourite Animal: Dolphin

Dolphins are fascinating marine mammals that are loved by many people around the world. They are known for their intelligence, social behaviour, and playful nature. Dolphins have smooth, grey skin and a streamlined body that allows them to swim swiftly in the ocean. They breathe through a blowhole located on top of their heads, and they use echolocation to locate their food, which mainly consists of fish and squid.


Dolphins are highly social animals and live in groups called pods, which typically include up to 12 members. They communicate with each other through a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. Dolphins are also known for their acrobatic skills and can often be seen jumping out of the water and performing flips. These amazing creatures can live up to 40 years and form strong bonds with their pod members.


In addition to their playful nature, dolphins have been known to help humans in various ways. There are numerous stories of dolphins guiding lost sailors to safety or protecting swimmers from sharks. This friendly behaviour has made dolphins a favourite among people of all ages.

Long Essay on My Favourite Animal: Dolphin

Dolphins are among the most fascinating and beloved animals in the world. These marine mammals are known for their intelligence, social behaviour, and playful antics. Dolphins have sleek and streamlined bodies that enable them to move gracefully through the water. Their skin is smooth and grey, with a distinctive dorsal fin on their backs.

One of the most remarkable features of dolphins is their intelligence. They have large brains relative to their body size and have the potential in complex problem-solving and communication. Dolphins use echolocation, a natural sonar system, to navigate and find food in the ocean. They emit clicks and listen for the echoes that bounce back from objects, allowing them to determine the location, size, and shape of their prey.

Dolphins live in groups known as pods. A typical pod consists of up to 12 dolphins, but some superpods can have hundreds of members. Within these pods, dolphins form strong social bonds and work together to hunt, play, and protect each other. They communicate using a variety of sounds, including clicks, whistles, and squeaks, as well as through body language such as leaping and tail slapping.

Dolphins' diets mainly consist of fish, squid, and other small marine creatures. They are skilled hunters and often work together to herd fish into tight groups, making them easier to catch. Dolphins are also known to play with their food, tossing fish into the air before eating them.

In addition to their remarkable hunting skills, dolphins are also known for their acrobatic abilities. They can often be seen leaping out of the water, performing flips, and riding waves. These playful behaviours are not only fun to watch but also serve to strengthen social bonds within the pod and provide exercise.

Dolphins have a long lifespan, with some species living up to 40 years or more. They are found in oceans all around the world, from warm tropical waters to cooler temperate seas. Despite their widespread distribution, many dolphin species face threats from human activities, including pollution, fishing nets, and habitat destruction.

Conservation efforts are essential to protect these incredible creatures and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy their beauty and intelligence. Many organizations are working to protect dolphin habitats, reduce bycatch in fishing nets, and raise awareness about the importance of marine conservation.


In conclusion, dolphins are extraordinary animals that capture the hearts of people worldwide. Their intelligence, social behaviour, and playful nature make them unique among marine mammals. By learning more about dolphins and supporting conservation efforts, we can help protect these amazing creatures and ensure they continue to thrive in our oceans.